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Monika Martin is a very enthusiastic pigeon lover. Nonetheless all the fan mailings are still delivered by post.

Please send Your autograph request with a post-paid self-addressed envelope (Austria) or

an international reply coupon (outside of Austria) to the following adress:

Monika Martin
Postfach 72
A-8016 Graz



Dear fan,

great that You visit my website!

If You would like to request an autograph or maybe some special dedication written on a CD cover, I will fulfil Your wish with pleasure!

In case You live in Austria, please don't forget to enclose a post-paid self-addressed envelope to Your request, because the postage fees have been notably increased!

In case that You live outside of Austria, for example in Germany, please enclose an international reply coupon, because the Austrian post officials do not accept German stamps on self-addressed envelopes.

.... And l also would like to ask You for some patience until Your requested autograph will arrive at Your place, because in the meantime there are thousands of autograph requests to answer, this is also the reason why I cannot bear the postage fee!

Thank You very much, and keep on enjoying my music,


Monika Martin.